Have you ever noticed that when you realize something on a higher level of understanding you can't go back into ignorance? Wouldn't it feel like a sinful betrayal of self? Ignorance seems to be an essential, forward moving part of our evolution. I am on the verge of a new level of understanding my emotional fears. My ignorance is lessening. For many of us our resistance to our desired attractions is due to a fear. I gave that bad habit up a few years ago. Childhood visions of the "boogie monster" or dark skied abusive relationships have spattered grey paint onto my past, but what led to a huge detachment from fear for me was something unexpected.
A few years ago a very close friend (I believe not knowingly) brought an actual evil negative something into my old apartment. My ceilings turned foggy red! I felt it go over my leg & listened to it's piercing screeches. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. Although it only lasted for a few minutes, my fear of this formless energy returning continued to scare the sh*t out of me for days. Nights were the worst. Thats when I knew I had to give all fear up!
I have seen many a ghost before and have had many a paranormal experience. My one pug wakes me up or gets my attention barking at curious veil peering entities on a consistent basis. I swear she's part alien- part dog. The realms had never really scared me. My fears had all been earth bound ones. After meditation and much asking of the divines above for guidance my ears began to ring, as they sometimes do. I received a different understanding of fear. It was simple, stop thinking about it. I always call ringings DNA downloads because I always seem to get a ton of info within seconds of time, yet it takes me much longer to grasp my Human condition around the full understanding of what I received. I have not put much thought into fear since then. It was hard to do now but now seems easy.
Over the past week it has come to my attention that my resistance to my desires has been in another form of fear based ignorance. I do not have control of my emotions. Even American Idol makes me feel so good, and I laugh, but then so sad, so then I cry. Holly iron fisted emotional dictator! Not American Idol,I love that show, but my emotions. I never knew that I was the one suppressing myself. The heightened state of fear I had that night was so beyond what I could handle so I forced myself to not think or feel fear. But my emotions have been a huge part of my Limbo's fuel. I don't know how many of you are super attached to emotions first and then thought, but my Pisces self is a walking talking high and low sea of emotional waves. I take it all in way deep! As the Laws Of Attraction says, If our emotions are the fuel that propels our attractions, then I best be getting mine under control asap. The good news is that realizing something brings on that higher level of understanding. You can't go back, only forward. I think the 11th Commandment would say, "Though shall embrace each new enlightenment as the greatest of gifts." Because lets face it, seems like a sin to ignore and deny a gift of pure universal truth and further release of ignorant misunderstanding.
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