My Saturday went as such; Limbo I swear I can get out of. I went to the racetrack with my b.f.f., from NYC, we were real close, a pair of Pisces swimming in the same direction can be indestructible, but instead we self destructed! I have not heard back from the lit. agent and I got a summons that can't be legal, as my 17 year old son signed for it, letter that Chase is now suing me for money owed. I want to just file bankrupt, but who has the 2 grand that it will cost? If I had an extra 2G then I would pay my credit cards, that are left over from the economy collapse anyway. I can only think about $$$ coming in and not about any of this.
I had a third date tonight. Last minute meeting of another girlfriend, who always falls in love on my behalf, my date did everything right, by the book, except for, when he dropped me off it was like he could not get away faster! He did not wait to make sure I got in okay. He did not wait until I got to the door, he zoomed off right away, as soon as I stepped out. I can take that many ways. but all I can really do is say, I will not think another thought about that, though a yellow flag for him or me maybe waving! I shall not think on it any further, but is worth noting, yes? This dating thing, IDK, should the guy not wait to make sure I am in safe n sound, does he not do that with his kids, is it not something that is natural? Am I thinking this way too deep?
I have 4 dogs here tonight and a teen that I must attend to. I want to just see and be what forever maybe. xoxo
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