I just got home from a meditation at my Goddess girl Ruthies house. This meditation group included an ecliptic group of about 15 of us in total. We range from everything to everything. Some nights five show up, some all 15. Now keep in mind when I say mediation, we do meditate, but it's always an experience too. We must..by far ..be the most eccentric, a big bit on the wild side (hey a lil vino and green, or not, we dont judge nor should you) , mediation group of females ever devised, never the less we are very powerful.
So my girlfriend, Shana, who has been visiting with me the past few days, and I, leave Ruthies after helping to clean up, then my mother earth gf Ruhtie (who hosted) called me, I had forgotten something at her house. So I headed back to her house. She greets myself and my Shana-bannanna (aka my favorite Kato Kaelin house guest) We get out of the car and after recovering my forgotten belongings the three of us feeling our inner Goddess put our arms up to the nights sky and embrace it and ourselves in it. We hug each other and say a final few thoughts. Shana notices the Pleiades and then we track it down to Orion.
Shana shows her Pleiades of the seven sisters mapped out in freckles spread in between her breasts. Ruhtie, having already flashed us her beautiful bosoms as she bid us a fair well the first time we left, reminded us of the beauty of nature, and flashed us again, then and I too getting caught up in the beauty of the female body also flashed my Goddess sparklers to the universe. We then observed the nights sky in awe, I fixed on Orion's belt exclaimed, "Thats where I think I am from", (keep in mind this happened in sequence very quickly) AND THEN OUT OF THE NIGHTS SKY CAME A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT FOR OUR HUMAN EYES TO SEE. A SHOOTING STAR, OR MAYBE IT WAS A COMET, RACED ACROSS THE STARS OF PLEIADES AND INTO ORION'S BELT. A BRILLIANT SUN LIT BRIGHT ORANGE FIRE TRAILED AFTER THIS BRILLIANT WHITE LIGHT IN THE NIGHTS SKY FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE MILES ACROSS OUR UNIVERSE AND INTO OUR SOULS.
We hugged and cheers and howled on this quiet Tuesday night in the quiet abc streets of the Pacific Palisades. We felt it was within our rights to have this gift of whatever each one of us would take it to mean, but we howled and rejoiced in our splendor at this gift from Innanna.( Oh did I mention I kept bringing up Inanna, as per my previous blog, she is my mother God, and even Father God knows to give her the "Presidential reign" over this next millennium. We need the balance of ying and yang to once again be restored.)
To the recovering and recovered ones, this was no ordinary comet or falling star. Its blaze trailed the colors of the sun setting against the ocean. That brilliant electrifying orange mixed with a hint of yellow stood out so powerfully we plain and simple just howled at it. It was not pre-meditated, it was a moment we all just felt. All three of us, as if we were sent into some type of trance, like our primordial animalistic selves were being beckoned to call home, we just howled at the blazing glory. A power surged through us. A don't give up, have strength and know what you know. I am who I am type feeling. A yes we have been good for so long and it is going to pay off, we are woman here us roar type feeling. But guys, same thing, an embracing of the divine male and woman, alpha, omega. You're not gay if you feel the divine feminine, and if you re gay, thank you for choosing to have a harder path to bring about the balance.
At the end of this all Ruthies teenage son comes running out to see what he thought the commotion was all about. He thought for sure one of us had stepped in shit. Perhaps we did, Divine female shit, well what choice then do we have but to empower the shit ass mess that was made of the female divine other than to just deal with it. Shit... we only got to vote in the USA what 60-70 years ago, something like that, and in the middle east...well...shit... come on, they have no rights at all. I could go on but, shit... you get the point. Yes woman have stepped in SHIT, it's time to wipe our selves clean of the old thought patterns and step into our equal rights. And they smell like roses.
I'm trying too myself, and I know I'm bound to step in Goddess shit again and again but, wow did tonight empower me. That beautiful sight with two of my favorite Goddesses plus me makes three and well we all know three is my number, Orion has three starts, I'm born on 3-3 Blah blah blah. I feel good shit coming this way. Good night and I LOVE YOU.
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